Recommended Beauty Gurus

8:24:00 PM

Since I've started with makeup, I did a lot of research on how to put makeup on correctly. I have been watching so many Beauty gurus on YouTube and I've learned a lot of tips and tricks from them. I would like to share with you my favorite Youtube beauty gurus. Here is the list of my favorite gurus in order.

1. xteener
2. kandeejohnson
3. MichellePhan
4. itsjudytime
5. pursebuzz

Try watching some of their videos, Trust me it's highly addicting...LOL

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  1. thanks for visiting my blog, hollie! just wanted to say i'm a fan of xteeener, too. if it weren't for her youtube tutorials, i would have never learned how to apply makeup. :)

  2. So true, it's the same for me. If it weren't for her I'd still have no clue where to start.

  3. i love michellephan! :D Shes great in her field. and shes really pretty

  4. i love michellephan! :D Shes great in her field. and shes really pretty


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